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Products > Movement > Partner Swing

Partner Swing

All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only and actual products may vary dependant on material selections and product enhancements

Partner Swing with equipment made of non-impregnated mountain larch

Partner Swing

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Order number: 10.92000

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

Here both young and old can just have fun by cooperating together in this interactive game. The human body is subject to the physical laws of mass. Various invisibly acting forces reach a harmonious equilibrium in the swinging movement. You are transported into a state of physical well-being. The fact that two swings are connected together intensifies the swinging experience by the act of harmony and the extra length of the swing chains. The rhythmic energy of one swing is transferred to the other resting swing. This is then reversed for the other swing. The long-lasting swinging momentum is transferred from one swing to the other in alternating rhythm. The partner being swung is able to experience in an unusual way how their movement is then transferred to the other partner.

Recommended For

  • school children
  • young people
  • supervised play areas, such as schools, after-school programmes or similar
  • swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar

Price Enquiry

Partner Swing - Order No: 10.92000

* indicates required